Friday, March 22, 2013

Greek God and Goddesses

Next week, I'll be testing you on Greek gods and goddesses.

Here are the flashcards for them. If you want to get ahead for next week, make your own  flashcards this weekend. They'll be due on Tuesday.

On the blank side, write:
Greek name only

On the lined side, write:
Roman name and area of responsibility

Twelve Labors of Hercules

For more information on Hercules, go to this site. It's great!

Labors of Hercules (Heracles)
 #1: Nemean lion
 #2: Hydra
 #3: Cerynitian hind
 #4: Erymantian boar
 #5: Augean stables
 #6: Stymphalian birds
 #7: Cretan bull
 #8: mares of Diomedes
 #9: Hippolyte's belt
 #10: cattle of Geryon
 #11: apples of the Hesperides
 #12: capture of Cerberus

Monday, March 11, 2013

Week of March 11-15

Due Tuesday, 3/12
Check the blog!
Due Wednesday, 3/13
Journals are due for grading. 
See T. of C. below.
Due Thursday, 3/14
Jason Vocbulary is due. 
Click on tab above ("Jason Vocab.") to find the defintions.
Due Friday, 3/15
FD Book Cards due.

Journal Grading Checklist:

  • Is each item where it's supposed to be according to the table of contents?
  • Is my table of contents neat and complete?
  • Is each page titled?
  • Is my table of contents EXACTLY like the one below?
  • Is every assignment complete?
  • Is every single page  numbered (1L/1R, 2L/2R, etc.?
  • Did I make corrections and edits in a bright color?
  • Does my journal reflect pride of ownership? In other words, am I proud of the work I've done in my journal?


JE #
Anne Vocab. 11-20
Act II Q's
Make sure the question at the bottom for Scene 5 is answered.
Practice Test:
Anne Vocab. 11-20
Testmaker Info (green)
Your Anne Test: RD
All three sections of the test must be complete.
Trimester #2 Letter Info Sheet
RD Letter
"Amigo Brothers" Vocab:
List the 11 words and definitions
Answer Q's, pg. 318: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
in complete sentences
Writer's Craft work (commas)
Pg. 653 1-25
Commas must be highlighted for credit.
"Amigo Brothers" Vocab Worksheet
Make sure to do the vocab. pictures on the back. "Crack the Code" is extra credit.
Venn Diagram: You and a Friend
Must have 10 bullets in each section for credit.
Vocab Story RD
All 10 words must be highlighted for credit (7 words from list plus 3 foreign phrases)
Book Day Sheet (green)
All blanks must be filled in for credit.
Book Card Information Sheet
Practice Test:
"Amigo Brothers"  Vocab
Greek Mythology

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Please check Zangle. If there are any errors, bring the proof TOMORROW (Thursday, 3/7) so I can enter late grades, absent grades, etc.

Thank you!

Monday, March 4, 2013

HW for the Week of Mar. 4-Mar. 8

Due Tuesday, 3/5
Get a good night's sleep! STAR Writing Test is today.
Due Wed., 3/6
PBL's due!
Due Thurs., 3/7
RD Vocab Story: see below for instructions.
Due Fri., 3/8
Vocab Test on "Amigo Brothers"