Friday, May 17, 2013

The blog won't be...

...updated anymore this year. As you know, I'm on a leave of absence for the remainder of
the school year. Mr. Van can help you with any questions you have. I appreciate all your
patience and support, and I miss you all.

Ms. Ware

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Answers to Ulysses Study Guide for Ch. 1-16 and Essay Info

Answers to Ulysses Study Guide for Ch. 1-16 
Don't forget to study vocabulary, too!

1. Aeolus
2. Hermes
3. Circe
4. Penelope
5. Telemachus
6. Cannibal Giants
7. a fox
8. Ithaca
9. Styx
10. Anticleia
11. Tieresias
12. Achilles
13. Ajax
14. Elpenor
15. The Fates
16. Half-bird; half-lady
17. Amphitrite
18. They came alive
19. the sea crow
20. Ino
21. a bard
22. by dressing in disguise as a beggar
23. Eurycleia
24. Antinous
25. He died. :(

Essay Info

For your essay on Friday's test, you'll be asked to write about the Chapter 8 quote, what it means,
and how it applies to real life. Your essay will be 150-200 words long. It will be one draft only!

Monday, May 6, 2013

HW: Week of May 6-10

Due Tuesday: Flash cards for Ulysses Vocab, Ch. 9-16. These are the 16 words we took a practice test on today in class. Word and picture on the blank side; definition on the lined side.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Good luck!

1. Get a good night's sleep.

2. Eat a healthy breakfast.

3.Remember to read the directions twice.

4.Read the questions first when your dealing with a reading comprehension section.

5. Good luck !

Monday, April 15, 2013

HW for the week of April 15-19

Due Tuesday, 4/16
Make sure all Ch. Charts 1-8 are complete: quotes, vocab., and drawings in color.
Due Wed.nesday, 4/17
Due Thursday, 4/18

Due Friday, 4/19

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

HW for the week of April 8-12

Due Tuesday, 4/9
 No HW!
Due Wednesday, 4/10
  • Make sure Ch. Charts are colored.
  • Click tab for Ch. Chart info: make sure you have all Ch. Chart info for Ch. 1-4 written on charts        
Due Thursday, 4/11

Due Friday 4/12

Audio Version of The Adventures of Ulysses

If you want to listen to the audio version of The Adventures of Ulysses, click on the tab above.

Monday, April 8, 2013

HW for the Week of April 8-April 12

No HW tonight! We already graded journals in Per. 3 & 4--my error.

The Adventures of Ulysses: Chapter Chart Information

The Adventures of Ulysses:  Chapter Chart Information

Ch. 1: "Ships and Men"

Quote: "Bad luck makes good stories." pg.3
-naiad = sea nymph
-piratical = pirate like
-suitor = wannabe boyfriend
-50 men ea. ship
-3 ships
-prow= tip of the bow

Ch. 2: "The Ciconians"

Quote: "I advised you badly, O Chief. We have angered the gods." p. 7
-Maronea = first stop
-Eurylochus = U.'s assistant
-18 mean dead/132 left
-scything = slicing
-appease = to calm someone down
-Hellenes = Greeks

Chapter 3: "The Lotus Eater"

Quote: "This man is a hero. Terrible are his needs, sudden are his needs, and his dreams must be his own." p. 13 
-morph = shape
-Morpheus = god of dreams
-Hypnos = god of sleep
-Persephone = Morpheus's aunt
-secret pocket
-hospitality = kindness toward guests

Ch. 4: "The Cyclops' Cave"

Quote: "The gods honor courage but punish pride." p. 26
--Sicily? Crete?
--mutiny = crew rebels against captain
--undiluted = pure; no water added
--"snoring like a powersaw"
--converging = moving together towards a single point
--hubris = Greek crime of having too much pride
--Polyphemus = cyclops; Poseidon's son
--Poseideon = Poly's dad
--13 men go to shore
--2/1/7 gone
--122 men left?

Ch. 5: "Keeper of the Winds"

Quote: " 'For those who know how to listen, I have a tale to tell.' " p. 30
--Penelope = U's wife
--Telemachus = U's son
--Aeolus = god of the winds
--the island fortress
--12 kids
--9 days/9 nights (U. slept)
--untrusting crew members
--personification of the wind

Ch. 6: "Cannibal Beach"

"But it was not trunk. He had been climbing no tree." p. 44
--6 days
--Island of the Racing Sun
--one boat/one crew left

Ch. 7: "Circe"

"For the sweetest spell Circe weaves is one of hospitality." p. 54
--45 men left
--marrow = inner bone material
--23 men go to castle (Eurylochus + 22)
--Hermes = messenger god
--moly = white flower: protects against spells
--Tartarus = the worst part of Hades
--The Fates = Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos

Ch. 8: "Land of the Dead"

"You must keep to the middle way." p. 79
--Hades (The Underworld)
--Elpenor = crew member
--the gull
--River Styx
--Anticleia = Ulysses's mom
--Achilles = Gk. hero of Trojan War (know Achilles' heel story)
--Ajax = Gk. hero of Trojan War; went mad w/resentment because Ulysses was awarded Achilles' golden armor, not him
--Penelope = U's wife
--Tieresias = shape-shifter; he is very wise and Ulysses has been directed to him for advice