Ulysses Chapter Chart Info (Ch.9-16)

Ch. 9: "The Wandering Rocks"

Choose your own quote (w/pg. #)
--prophecy = a prediction of the future
--inept = clumsy
--rendezvous = to meet OR a meeting

Ch. 10: "The Sirens"

Choose your own quote (w/pg. #)
--Sirens = half woman, half bird
--Thrinacia = ancient name for Sicily
--"...do not release me"
--beeswax = what they used to plug their ears
--"heap of bones" = what the Sirens sat on

Ch. 11: "Scylla and Charybdis"

Choose your own quote (w/pg. #)
--thrice = three times
--dumbfounded = shocked to the point of speechlessness
--Amphitrite = Poseidon's wife

Ch. 12: "Cattle of the Sun"

Choose your own quote (w/pg. #)
--Hyperion = ancient sun god
--dire = serious
--30 days/30 nights = how long they were stuck on the island
--libation = liquid sacrifice; usually wine
--piety = religiousness
--kine = synonym for cattle
--vortex = center of the whirlpool
--ALONE!!!!! = Ulysses is all by himself; no crew left

Ch. 13: "Calypso"

Choose your own quote, or use this:
p. 115: "Briefly, your son is grieving, your wife is weaving, and your guests are not leaving."
--Ogygyia = Calypso's island
--grotto = cave
--Titan brood
--2300 yrs. old = Calypso's age
--(magic) veto = a veto is the power to say no; Calypso can tell the magic logs NOT to show Ithaca
--shroud = death blanket
--eloquent = well-spoken

Ch. 14: "Ino's Veil"

Choose your own quote!
--veil = long piece of soft fabric
--Phaeacia (sometimes spelled Phaecia) = place where Ulysses ends up at end of this chapter

Ch. 15: "Nausicaa"

Choose your own quote!
Alcinous = Nausicaa's dad; King of Phaecia
Arete = Nausicaa's mom; Queen
Artemis = goddess of the hunt/moon
law of hospitality = Be good to your guests!
Euryalus = leader of the young men; he challenges Ulysses
bard = singing poet

Ch. 16: "The Return"

Choose your own quote!
Eumaeus = faithful swineherd
roister = to party wildly
Argo = doggy
Antinous = arrogant suitor
Eurymachus = leader of the suitors
Iros = other beggar
Eurycleia = Ulysses's nanny when he was a baby
Agelaus = takes over when Eurymachus is killed