...updated anymore this year. As you know, I'm on a leave of absence for the remainder of
the school year. Mr. Van can help you with any questions you have. I appreciate all your
patience and support, and I miss you all.
Ms. Ware
Friday, May 17, 2013
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Answers to Ulysses Study Guide for Ch. 1-16 and Essay Info
Answers to Ulysses Study Guide for Ch. 1-16
Don't forget to study vocabulary, too!
1. Aeolus
2. Hermes
3. Circe
4. Penelope
5. Telemachus
6. Cannibal Giants
7. a fox
8. Ithaca
9. Styx
10. Anticleia
11. Tieresias
12. Achilles
13. Ajax
14. Elpenor
15. The Fates
16. Half-bird; half-lady
17. Amphitrite
18. They came alive
19. the sea crow
20. Ino
21. a bard
22. by dressing in disguise as a beggar
23. Eurycleia
24. Antinous
25. He died. :(
Essay Info
For your essay on Friday's test, you'll be asked to write about the Chapter 8 quote, what it means,
and how it applies to real life. Your essay will be 150-200 words long. It will be one draft only!
Monday, May 6, 2013
HW: Week of May 6-10
Due Tuesday: Flash cards for Ulysses Vocab, Ch. 9-16. These are the 16 words we took a practice test on today in class. Word and picture on the blank side; definition on the lined side.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Good luck!
1. Get a good night's sleep.
2. Eat a healthy breakfast.
3.Remember to read the directions twice.
4.Read the questions first when your dealing with a reading comprehension section.
5. Good luck !
2. Eat a healthy breakfast.
3.Remember to read the directions twice.
4.Read the questions first when your dealing with a reading comprehension section.
5. Good luck !
Monday, April 15, 2013
HW for the week of April 15-19
Due Tuesday, 4/16
Make sure all Ch. Charts 1-8 are complete: quotes, vocab.,
and drawings in color.
Due Wed.nesday, 4/17
Due Thursday, 4/18
Due Friday, 4/19
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
HW for the week of April 8-12
Due Tuesday, 4/9
No HW!
Due Wednesday, 4/10
Due Thursday, 4/11
Due Friday 4/12
Audio Version of The Adventures of Ulysses
If you want to listen to the audio version of The Adventures of Ulysses, click on the tab above.
Monday, April 8, 2013
HW for the Week of April 8-April 12
No HW tonight! We already graded journals in Per. 3 & 4--my error.
The Adventures of Ulysses: Chapter Chart Information
The Adventures of Ulysses: Chapter Chart Information
Ch. 1: "Ships and Men"
Quote: "Bad luck makes good stories." pg.3
-naiad = sea nymph
-piratical = pirate like
-suitor = wannabe boyfriend
-50 men ea. ship
-3 ships
-prow= tip of the bow
Ch. 2: "The Ciconians"
Quote: "I advised you badly, O Chief. We have angered the gods." p. 7
-Maronea = first stop
-Eurylochus = U.'s assistant
-18 mean dead/132 left
-scything = slicing
-appease = to calm someone down
-Hellenes = Greeks
Quote: "This man is a hero. Terrible are his needs, sudden are his needs, and his dreams must be his own." p. 13
-morph = shape
-Morpheus = god of dreams
-Hypnos = god of sleep
-Persephone = Morpheus's aunt
-secret pocket
-hospitality = kindness toward guests
Ch. 4: "The Cyclops' Cave"
Quote: "The gods honor courage but punish pride." p. 26
--Sicily? Crete?
--mutiny = crew rebels against captain
--undiluted = pure; no water added
--"snoring like a powersaw"
--converging = moving together towards a single point
--hubris = Greek crime of having too much pride
--Polyphemus = cyclops; Poseidon's son
--Poseideon = Poly's dad
--13 men go to shore
--2/1/7 gone
--122 men left?
Ch. 5: "Keeper of the Winds"
Quote: " 'For those who know how to listen, I have a tale to tell.' " p. 30
--Penelope = U's wife
--Telemachus = U's son
--Aeolus = god of the winds
--the island fortress
--12 kids
--9 days/9 nights (U. slept)
--untrusting crew members
--personification of the wind
Ch. 6: "Cannibal Beach"
"But it was not trunk. He had been climbing no tree." p. 44
--6 days
--Island of the Racing Sun
--one boat/one crew left
Ch. 7: "Circe"
"For the sweetest spell Circe weaves is one of hospitality." p. 54
--45 men left
--marrow = inner bone material
--23 men go to castle (Eurylochus + 22)
--Hermes = messenger god
--moly = white flower: protects against spells
--Tartarus = the worst part of Hades
--The Fates = Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos
Ch. 8: "Land of the Dead"
"You must keep to the middle way." p. 79
--Hades (The Underworld)
--Elpenor = crew member
--the gull
--River Styx
--Anticleia = Ulysses's mom
--Achilles = Gk. hero of Trojan War (know Achilles' heel story)
--Ajax = Gk. hero of Trojan War; went mad w/resentment because Ulysses was awarded Achilles' golden armor, not him
--Penelope = U's wife
--Tieresias = shape-shifter; he is very wise and Ulysses has been directed to him for advice
Friday, March 22, 2013
Greek God and Goddesses
Next week, I'll be testing you on Greek gods and goddesses.
Here are the flashcards for them. If you want to get ahead for next week, make your own flashcards this weekend. They'll be due on Tuesday.
On the blank side, write:
Greek name only
On the lined side, write:
Roman name and area of responsibility

Here are the flashcards for them. If you want to get ahead for next week, make your own flashcards this weekend. They'll be due on Tuesday.
On the blank side, write:
Greek name only
On the lined side, write:
Roman name and area of responsibility
Twelve Labors of Hercules
For more information on Hercules, go to this site. It's great!
Labors of Hercules (Heracles)
Monday, March 11, 2013
Week of March 11-15
Due Tuesday, 3/12
Check the blog!
Due Wednesday, 3/13
Journals are due for grading.
See T. of C. below.
Due Thursday, 3/14
Jason Vocbulary is due.
Click on tab above ("Jason Vocab.") to find the defintions. |
Due Friday, 3/15
FD Book Cards due.
Journal Grading Checklist:
- Is each item where it's supposed to be according to the table of contents?
- Is my table of contents neat and complete?
- Is each page titled?
- Is my table of contents EXACTLY like the one below?
- Is every assignment complete?
- Is every single page numbered (1L/1R, 2L/2R, etc.?
- Did I make corrections and edits in a bright color?
- Does my journal reflect pride of ownership? In other words, am I proud of the work I've done in my journal?
JE #
Anne Vocab. 11-20
Act II Q's
Make sure
the question at the bottom for Scene 5 is answered.
Practice Test:
Anne Vocab. 11-20
Testmaker Info (green)
Your Anne Test: RD
All three
sections of the test must be complete.
Trimester #2 Letter Info
RD Letter
"Amigo Brothers"
List the 11 words and
Answer Q's, pg. 318: 2, 3,
4, 5, 7
in complete
Writer's Craft work (commas)
Pg. 653 1-25
Commas must
be highlighted for credit.
"Amigo Brothers"
Vocab Worksheet
Make sure to
do the vocab. pictures on the back. "Crack the Code" is extra
Venn Diagram: You and a
Must have 10
bullets in each section for credit.
All 10 words
must be highlighted for credit (7 words from list plus 3 foreign phrases)
Book Day Sheet (green)
All blanks
must be filled in for credit.
Book Card Information Sheet
Practice Test:
"Amigo Brothers" Vocab
Greek Mythology
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Please check Zangle. If there are any errors, bring the proof TOMORROW (Thursday, 3/7) so I can enter late grades, absent grades, etc.
Thank you!
Monday, March 4, 2013
HW for the Week of Mar. 4-Mar. 8
Due Tuesday, 3/5
Get a good night's sleep! STAR Writing Test is today.
Due Wed., 3/6
PBL's due!
Due Thurs., 3/7
RD Vocab Story: see below for instructions.
Due Fri., 3/8
Vocab Test on "Amigo Brothers"
Monday, February 25, 2013
HW for Week of Feb. 25-Mar. 1
Due Tues., 2/26
RD of Tri. #2 Self-Eval. Letter
Due Wed., 2/27
FD of Tri. #2 Self-Eval. Letter
Due Thurs., 2/28
| Since both Periods 3 & 4 were SO quiet and focused today, the punctuation work we did in class is not HW. We'll finish tomorrow in class. However: This is still HW, though: "Amigo Brothers" work on JE #45/left and right:
Due Fri., 3/1
Portfolio Day!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Grammar Work (for those who didn't complete last night's HW)
You can earn back 20 of the 100 points you lost by not doing last night's HW only IF you complete the grammar work from class today (and turn it in tomorrow). The work is below.
Monday, February 11, 2013
HW for Week of Feb. 11-15; Tournal #4; Test Making HInts
Due Tuesday, 2/12
Due Wednesday, 2/13
Journal #4 for grading (JE
Due Thursday, 2/14
FD Test
Due Friday, 2/15
Test Making Hints:
1. Remember to put the blanks on the left side for Matching and True/False.
2. Don't forget the directions!
3. If you're using MS Word or Open Office, experiment with using text boxes. This allows you to
move around whole sections of words without having to use the tab key.
How to Make a Text Box in MS Word:
How to Make a Text Box in Open Office:
Journal Checklist: for Journal #4 |
Table of Contents: Journal #4
JE #
"Nothing Gold Can Stay"
by Robert Frost
Outsiders Review
Ch. 7-8
Open Mind:
pictures in color…
Egore… (commas)
Outsiders Review:
Ch. 9-10/Ch. 11-12
List of 10:
OS Book vs. Movie
OS Map Info
RD Map
Anne Timeline
--The one I gave you (flippy)
--Symbols in color, please
List of 10: AFR
(Anne Frank Remembered)
Anne Vocab Wordsearch
Pretest: Anne Vocab 1-10
Anne Vocab: 1-10
Definition Chart
Play Notes
Practice Test:
Anne Vocab: 1-10
Act I Q's (blue)
for Anne Vocab 1-10
(The one you made)
ICE Prewriting Sheet
Must be complete for
Monday, February 4, 2013
Week of Feb. 4-8; Flashcards for Anne Vocab 11-20
Notice the new Extra Credit tab at the top of the page!
Due Tuesday, 2/5 RD Persuasive Essay Due Wed., 2/6 Act I Q's;
- To read play, click on Act I tab at the top of the page.
- To watch the video:
- Scroll down.
- If that doesn't work, go to the right under "Archives."
- Click on the January arrow, then "Anne Frank Play and video
Due Thurs., 2/7 Flashcards for Anne Vocab 11-20:
- Write word/picture on blank side; please write BIG!
- Draw pictures in color.
- Write definition on the blank side. Scroll down below for flashcards.
Due Friday, 2/8 Act II Q's
Don't forget to draw your pictureson the word side--in color!If you can't see the flashcards,click on this link:- To read play, click on Act I tab at the top of the page.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Anne Frank Play and Video
The video of the play is below.
The quality isn't great, but you can listen as you read if you:
- Click on the video to get it started
- Click on the tab to go to AF Play: Act I
Monday, January 28, 2013
Week of Jan. 28-Feb. 1
Due Tuesday, 1/29 | Flashcards for Anne Vocab: 1-10 The words and definitions are below. Scroll down. |
Due Wednesday, 1/30 | --Crossword due Thursday. (see directions in pink, above). --If you were absent today, take notes on the powerpoint below in JE #38/Right. |
Due Thursday, 1/31 | |
Due Friday, 2/1 | Test: Anne Vocab. 1-10. Know spelling and definition! |
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Common Questions about the Holocaust
This link may answer some of your questions from Anne Frank Remembered.
- How could Hitler make the Holocaust happen by himself?
- Why didn’t they all leave?
- Why wasn’t there more resistance?
- How did they know who was Jewish?
- What happened if you disobeyed an order to participate?
- Wasn’t one of Hitler’s relatives Jewish?
- Why were the Jews singled out for extermination?
- What did the United States know and do?
Monday, January 21, 2013
Week of Jan. 22-25
Due Tues., Jan. 22 | ----- |
Due Wed., Jan 23 | Completed Anne Frank Timeline; symbols in color |
Due Thurs., Jan. 24 | Bring your independent reading book and your Personal Book List to class. (PBL's aren't due till 3/6/13, but I'd like you to bring it tomorrow.) |
Due Fri., Jan. 25 | Anne Frank Vocab. Word Search Quiz on Anne Frank Remembered |
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Extra Credit: Anne Frank
Below is some basic information about Anne.
Check out the links on the left hand side of the page (Anne Frank Links) for more specific information.
Scroll down to the bottom of this post (under Miep's pictures) for Extra Credit opportunities.
Anne Frank (1929-1945)
Visit the Anne Frank Museum. Explore her history, the Secret Annexe, and find out who's who.http://www.annefrank.org/en/Anne-Franks-History/
Go to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D. C. and visit the virtual exhibition on Anne's Writing. . Click on "Launch the Exhibition." You need Adobe Flash Player.
Anne's story could have never been told if Miep had not risked her life to help the people in hiding.
Read more about Miep's story at:
For Extra Credit:
Check out the links on the left hand side of the page (Anne Frank Links) for more specific information.
Scroll down to the bottom of this post (under Miep's pictures) for Extra Credit opportunities.
Anne Frank (1929-1945)
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Visit the Anne Frank Museum. Explore her history, the Secret Annexe, and find out who's who.http://www.annefrank.org/en/Anne-Franks-History/
Go to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D. C. and visit the virtual exhibition on Anne's Writing. . Click on "Launch the Exhibition." You need Adobe Flash Player.
Anne's story could have never been told if Miep had not risked her life to help the people in hiding.
Read more about Miep's story at:
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For Extra Credit:
- Visit at least three links and investigate Anne's and/or Miep Gies's life.
- You can visit the the links on this page or choose from the left hand column under "Anne Frank Links."
- Write down one fact from each site. Be sure to let me know which facts are from which site.
- Email your list to me at : cware@ojaiusd.org.
- Write "Anne Frank" in the subject line.
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