Monday, February 25, 2013

HW for Week of Feb. 25-Mar. 1

Due Tues., 2/26
RD of Tri. #2 Self-Eval. Letter
Due Wed., 2/27
FD of Tri. #2 Self-Eval. Letter
  • Typed or in ink
  • Double space!
  • 10-12 font
Due Thurs., 2/28
Important Post-it Clip Art
Since both Periods 3 & 4 were SO quiet and focused today, the punctuation work we did in class is not HW. We'll finish tomorrow in class.


This is still HW, though:
"Amigo Brothers" work on JE #45/left and right:

  • Vocab List  (see below)
  • Questions: p. 318, 2-5 & 7
  • Also, make flashcards! 

Due Fri., 3/1
Portfolio Day!
  • Bring to class any English work you've saved at home.