FD of Rat's POV
FD Checklist:
Make sure you can answer YES to all of these questions before you turn in your FD:
1. Are my name, period, and date in the upper right hand corner?
2. Did I give my story an original title (not "Rat's POV")
3. Did I double space (or 1.5)?
4. Did I indent for a new paragraph every time I...
- had a new character speak?
- changed location in my story?
- changed time (went from yesterday to today, for example)?
- changed topic?
6. Did I use 10-12 font?
7. Did I type in a font that's easy to read?
8. Did I read it aloud to someone (myself, my pet, my sister, etc.) so I could hear any mistakes
is missed when I proofread my story?
9. Did I proofread my story?
10. Did I staple my papers together if my story is more than one page long?