Wednesday, October 24, 2012

HW for Week of 10/22

Due Tuesday, 10.23
Flash Cards for "Monsters are Due…" Words: on pg. 68 in Lit Book
Due Wednesday, 10.24
P. 78, Q's 1-5, 9 and 11; please do this on JE #17/left
Due Thursday, 10.25
P. 88, Q's 1-6 and 11
Friday, 10.26
Test on "Monsters" vocab (spelling, definition, and part of speech.
Also, quiz on the story…


For Wednesday night's HW, do the triangle we did in class for #6 instead of what it says in the book for #6. It's the same idea, but I want you to learn the plot triangle you copied from the smart board in class.

Exposition is the same as the basic situation;
don't forget your three complications!